Lloyds Pharmacy in Northampton , 315 Wellingborough Road Opening Times


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Lloyds Pharmacy Northampton , 315 Wellingborough Road

Category : Pharmacies
Phone : 0160 4635270
Address : 315 Wellingborough Road, Northampton, NN1 4EW

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2025 Information of the Lloyds Pharmacy in Northampton , 315 Wellingborough Road


Questions :

  • What time does Lloyds Pharmacy in Northampton , 315 Wellingborough Road open and close today?
  • Store is currently closed

  • Where is Lloyds Pharmacy in Northampton , 315 Wellingborough Road Located ?
  • Lloyds Pharmacy in Northampton , 315 Wellingborough Road is located at 315 Wellingborough Road, Northampton, NN1 4EW

  • What is the phone number for Lloyds Pharmacy in Northampton , 315 Wellingborough Road ?
  • Contact Lloyds Pharmacy in Northampton , 315 Wellingborough Road by phone using 0160 4635270

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Coral Taylor 2021-02-09

AVOID AT ALL COSTS! My worst experience with a pharmacy ever! So, so, so many issues! Some of the staff can be friendly but some of them are SUPER patronising and do not listen to you at all! The whole service is a shambles. I've been waiting 7 days for half of my medication after Lloyds gave me half of what I ordered. They also did not even tell me they hadn't given me half of my order...why not just tell me and talk to me like an adult? It wasn't until I opened the order outside the shop I saw that half of it was missing. When I came back in and asked where the rest of my order was, they just told me I had it all and looked at me like I was crazy... I showed them my prescription from the doctors and they were like 'oh we'll check then' but no apologies. They then claimed my doctor hadn't sent it over so I presented them with the prescription bar code number that I got off the phone to my doctor whilst I was waiting. Each time I was made to feel stupid and yet each time I presented them with evidence. I did not get any apology. I was in the shop that day for 80 minutes and still was unable to get all my items. I have since spent the past 7 days ringing Lloyds, coming in the shop, ringing my doctors over different days and STILL I do not have all my medication. My prescription is now being sent to a new pharmacy because this is just ridiculous and I do not want to ever go to Lloyds again. I also cannot afford to wait any longer! Each time I was in the shop I overheard other customers receiving half of their prescriptions...this seems to be very common? Why? Why is everyone getting half orders, no explanation, no apology and a patronising service?!

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