02 JunThursdaySpring Bank Holiday United Kingdom

Spring Bank Holiday in 2023 - 2024 - 2025 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021

202329 MayMondaySpring Bank Holiday United Kingdom
202427 MayMondaySpring Bank Holiday United Kingdom
202526 MayMondaySpring Bank Holiday United Kingdom
202131 MayMondaySpring Bank Holiday United Kingdom
202025 MayMondaySpring Bank Holiday United Kingdom
201927 MayMondaySpring Bank Holiday United Kingdom

We can consider the late may bank holiday as a "replacement" for the Whit Monday holiday. Every year it is held at the end of May in order to have a longer weekend and it is also one of the bank holidays which is known as the Spring bank holiday. In the old days, Whit Monday meant a day off after Sunday in order to make people remember the gift of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. The date of the holiday has been changed to the last Monday in May instead of seven Sundays after Easter by the Banking and Financial Dealings Act in 1971. The strange thing is that this holiday doesn't actually have an official name, but it is called the late may bank holiday by nearly everyone. You may remember this day thanks to the cheese rolling event.

Every year, people gather to run after a roll cheese on Cooper's Hill in Brockworth, Gloucestershire. The person who crosses the finish line first becomes the winner and gets awarded with Double Gloucester cheese weighing about 8lbs. However, it has a danger element to it. For people get injured a lot, the event had been banned for a couple of year. In the banned years people still roll the cheese down a hill but they don’t run after it. Being a secular, nameless holiday; late may bank holiday is generally considered as a time to relax with family or have a small vacation.

You can take long walks to the countryside, enjoy the spring weather in garden centres or just sit at home and relax.

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